50 research outputs found

    A theoretical reflection on smart shape modeling

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    This paper presents, as far as the authors are aware, a complete and extended new taxonomy of shape specification modeling techniques and a characterization of shape design systems, all based on the relationship of users’ knowledge to the modeling system they use to generate shapes. In-depth knowledge of this relationship is not usually revealed in the regular university training courses such as bachelor’s, master’s and continuing education. For this reason, we believe that it is necessary to modify the learning process, offering a more global vision of all the currently existing techniques and extending training in those related to algorithmic modeling techniques. We consider the latter to be the most powerful current techniques for modeling complex shapes that cannot be modeled with the usual techniques known to date. Therefore, the most complete training should include everything from the usual geometry to textual programming. This would take us a step further along the way to more powerful design environments. The proposed taxonomy could serve as a guideline to help improve the learning process of students and designers in a complex environment with increasingly powerful requirements and tools. The term “smart” is widely used nowadays, e.g. smart phones, smart cars, smart homes, smart cities... and similar terms such as “smart shape modeling”. Nowadays, the term smart is applied from a marketing point of view, whenever an innovation is used to solve a complex problem. This is the case for what is currently called smart shape modeling. However, in the future; this concept should mean a much better design environment than today. The smart future requires better trained and skilled engineers, architects, designers or technical students. This means that they must be prepared to be able to contribute to the creation of new knowledge, to the use of innovations to solve complex problems of form, and to the extraction of the relevant pieces of intelligence from the growing volume of knowledge and technologies accessible today. Our taxonomy is presented from the point of view of methods that are possibly furthest away from what is considered today as “intelligent shape modeling” to the limit of what is achievable today and which the authors call “Generic Shape Algorithm”. Finally, we discuss the characteristics that a shape modeling system must have to be truly “intelligent”: it must be “proactive” in applying innovative ideas to achieve a solution to a complex problem

    Diagnóstico ambiental del sendero “Maravillas de Viñales”

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    The work deals with the environmental problems in the interpretive trail "Maravillas de Viñales", located in the area of influence of the community "El Moncada", which has a population of 503 inhabitants. The problem lies in how to identify the main problems with the highest incidence and the negative impacts derived from the activities carried out on the “Maravillas de Viñales” trail? The objective is to carry out an environmental diagnosis, to identify the external and internal factors that affect the interpretive trail "Maravillas de Viñales". As a hypothesis, the author specifies that based on the problems identified from the environmental diagnosis and the participation of community actors, it will make it possible to verify the level of community perception of the negative impacts of these identified environmental problems. Empirical diagnosis methods were used, such as observation to evaluate the current state of the trail, and interview techniques were used to find out the opinions and assessments of the directors of the Viñales National Park (PNV) and surveys directed at the community. It was found that the areas related to the route of the "Maravillas de Viñales" trail constitute a scenario where precious wood logging, pig farming, poaching and illegal guiding are practiced. In the logging and poaching affect residents of neighboring communities and people totally outside the area. There is evidence of logging on both sides of the trail, actions that contribute to the decrease in the presence of specimens of flora and fauna.El trabajo trata sobre la problemática ambiental en el sendero interpretativo “Maravillas de Viñales”, ubicado en el área de influencia de la comunidad “El Moncada”, la cual cuenta con una población de 503 habitantes. El problema reside en ¿cómo identificar los principales problemas de mayor incidencia y los impactos negativos derivados de las actividades desarrolladas en el sendero “Maravillas de Viñales”? El objetivo consiste en realizar el diagnóstico ambiental, para la identificación de los factores externos e internos que inciden en el sendero interpretativo “Maravillas de Viñales”. Como hipótesis, la autora precisa que basado en las problemáticas identificadas a partir del diagnóstico ambiental y en la participación de los actores comunitarios, posibilitará comprobar el nivel de percepción de la comunidad sobre los impactos negativos de estos problemas ambientales identificados. Se emplearon los métodos del diagnóstico empírico como la observación para evaluar el estado actual del sendero, y como técnicas se utilizaron la entrevista para conocer las opiniones y valoraciones de los directivos del Parque Nacional Viñales (PNV) y encuestas dirigidas a la comunidad. Se comprobó que las áreas relacionadas con el recorrido del sendero “Maravillas de Viñales”, constituyen un escenario donde se practica tala de madera preciosa, cría de cerdos, caza furtiva y guiado ilegal. En la tala y caza furtiva inciden pobladores de comunidades vecinas y personas totalmente externas al área. Existen evidencias de tala a ambos lados del sendero, acciones estas que contribuyen a la disminución de la presencia de ejemplares de la flora y la fauna

    Myositis Ossificans of the temporalis muscle : case report

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    Los autores presentan un caso poco frecuente de miositis osificante del músculo temporal en un paciente varón de 51 años que se manifiesta con limitación de la apertura oral, con masa firme y dura en la fosa temporal derecha. La tomografia axial computerizada (TC) reveló una masa de densidad ósea localizada en la región temporal derecha, que unía el hueso temporal derecho con la apófisis coronoides y una imagen de pseudo-articulación en su porción media. La miositis osificante traumática es un tumor benigno que se localiza frecuentemente en las extremidades de los adolescentes. Los casos en el esqueleto craneofacial son raros. En esta localización, los músculos masetero y esternocleidomastoideo son los más frecuentemente afectados. Las características clínico patológicas de la miositis osificante pueden imitar otros tumores de los tejidos blandos, por lo que se requiere un cuidadoso diagnóstico diferencial. Histológicamente, la actividad osteoblástica asemeja a veces a un osteosarcoma, que requiere establecer el diagnóstico diferencial entre ambas entidades. En nuestro caso, el tratamiento quirúrgico, mediante abordaje combinado retromolar y hemicoronal, fue el elegido

    Cerámica Ibérica decorada de Labitolosa, La Puebla de Castro (Huesca)

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    Entre la cerámica ibérica decorada del yacimiento de Labitolosa (La Puebla de Castro, Huesca), destaca una vasija con las figuras de dos équidos rodeadas de motivos vegetales y geométricos. Esta ornamentación, por su tema y cronología, la convierte en una pieza excepcional del yacimiento, de la provincia oscense y, en general, de esta producción en territorio aragonés durante la fase final de la Cultura Ibérica

    First evidence of lamprophyric magmatism within the Subbetic Zone (Southern Spain)

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    Two drillings carried out at Cerro Prieto (Province of Málaga), together with additional geophysical data, revealed the existence of an igneous body formed of rock-types previously unknown in the Subbetic zone. The recovered rocks, emplaced under hypoabyssal conditions, are predominantly porphyric, containing olivine, diopside and TiO2-rich phlogopite phenocrysts (up to 1-2 mm in size) within a micro-to-hypocrystalline groundmass componed of alkali-feldspar, diopside, phlogopite and abundant magnetite, and could be classified as "alkali minettes" lamprophyres. They contain numerous xenocrysts corroded by the magma and centimetric ultrafemic xenoliths deriving from the mantle. Clinopyroxenes yield crystallisation temperatures from about 1150 to 1320º C and pressures ranging from about 4 to 17 kbar, suggesting 50 km as the minimum depth of the magma sources. The chemical compositions of these lamprophyres are similar to intra plate alkali-basalts, derived from oceanic-island-basaltic-type highly metasomatized mantle sources. 40Ar/39Ar dating of a phlogopite mineral separate gave an age of 217±2.5 Ma. However, these rocks are more similar to the Permian alkaline lamprophyres in the Spanish Central System than to the Mesozoic dolerites and basalts widespread throughout the Subbetic Zone. We propose that the Cerro Prieto subvolcanic event represents the onset of a widespread magmatic phase induced by the post-Hercynian extensional tectonic activity that also affected the whole South-Iberian Paleomargin, within a geodynamic context that ultimately led to the opening of the Atlantic and the Neotethys oceans, accompanied by intrusion of basic magmas along their continental margins

    Fault overprinting and paleostresses in the Almanzora Corridor from the Tortonian to the Present (Betic Cordilleras)

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    The Almanzora Corridor in the Betic Cordilleras is affected by brittle deformations since the Tortonian. The analysis of fault overprinting shows a first group formed by a set of E-W dextral strike-slip faults, N-S leftlateral strike-slip faults and NW-SE normal faults compatible with a NW-SE shortening and an associated NE-SW extension. A second group corresponds to younger NW-SE normal faults, formed during NE-SW oblique extension to the Corridor, with an oblate stress ellipsoid that also reactivates, in some cases, previous faults. A more recent stress ellipsoid indicates extension, that is locally pluridirectional and reactivate previous fault surfaces, although horizontal striations have been overprinted in the Somontín fault, associated to a NW-SE recent shortening that is only locally registere

    Soft-sediment deformation structures interpreted as seismites in the late Miocene (Turolian) of the Granada basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    We studied various Upper Miocene (Turolian) layers of superimposed soft-sediment deformation structures induced by liquefaction in the Granada basin (Betic Cordillera). These are principally load structures: sagging and dome load casts, ball-and-pillow and drop structures. Based on analyses of their morphology and of the facies, these have been interpreted as being the result of liquefaction of non-cohesive sediments during earthquakes. The intense synsedimentary fracturing and the presence of seismites highlight the strongly influence of tectonic activity in the Granada basin during the Late Miocene, with earthquakes of moderate to high magnitude occurring which were capable of liquefying the sedimen

    Kinematics and paleostresses in the Jebha-Chrafate transcurrent fault (northern Rif, Morocco)

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    The Jebha-Chrafate is an ENE-WSW sinistral major transcurrent fault of the Rif Cordillera, formed during the southwestwards emplacement of the Internal Zones on the Flysch units and the External Zones. The analysis of minor structures along the Jebha area indicates the activity of top to the SW low and high angle normal faults during the tectonic wedge emplacement. In addition, most of the kinematic indicators along the transcurrent fault zone point to a reactivation as dextral fault during the recent NW-SE Eurasia-Africa convergence and a final overprinting of normal faults during the late stages of relief uplif